Install neccessary packages. This includes at least build-essential, svn, libusb-dev (for TrackIR hardware?), libcwiid1-dev (for wiimote) and liblo0-dev (for wine). I presume the dev-packages take the libraries as dependency, if not, also Some others might be needed, unfortunately I've been compiling software so long on this box that I can't be sure.
Get linux-track, X-Plane SDK, GlovePIE and my patch & script:
mkdir XLinuxTracker; cd XLinuxTracker
svn checkout linux-track-read-only
mkdir gpie; cd gpie
unzip ../
cd ..
tar zxvf ltrack-gpie-patch.tar.gz
And for TrackIR hardware this binary blob:
tar zxvf bulk_config_data.tgz
Ready to compile:
cd linux-track-read-only
cd ..
Copy src/.linuxtrack (the dot makes it a hidden file!) to your home directory
cp linux-track-read-only/src/.linuxtrack ~
and remember to edit according to your setup! Guess if I forgot it, luckily X-Plane plugin, when run from terminal, whined about missing hardware..
TrackIR hardware needs a rule in udev to make the device accessible to normal users:
sudo echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device",SYSFS{idVendor}=="131d" , SYSFS{idProduct}=="0156", MODE="0666"' > /lib/udev/rules.d/51-TIR4.rules
For X-Plane:
X-Plane plugin linux-track-read-only/src/xlinuxtrack.xpl goes in X-Plane/Resources/plugins, and bulk_config_data.bin in upper directory goes in X-Plane directory. If using wiimote, press 1+2 on wiimote right away when starting X-Plane to make it visible to PC.
For Wine applications, eg. IL-2:
wine gpie/GlovePIE.exe -gpie/tir-osc.pie &
..and again, wiimote has to be bluetooth-visible (press 1+2) when running ltlib_test. GlovePIE starts running the script right away, and doesn't quit nicely unless it's receiving OSC data, and in every case throws an error message when closing. And ltlib_test doesn't shut down, just ctrl-c it. :)
Ok, that's about it, more hacks (maybe) and rants (bii suur!) later.
Edit: added link to linux-track. If anybody knows how to force blogger not to wrap lines (in blockquotes), please let me know.
Edit2: One stupid mistake in ltlib_test.c (send yaw as roll), and changed multipliers in gpie/tir-osc.pie so that things work (6dof) reasonably in Silent Wings.