sunnuntai 3. tammikuuta 2010

Headtracking part 2, Silent Wings

Sometimes it's nice to be wrong. When I tried soaring simulator Silent Wings' remote UDP control earlier, I must've done something wrong. I thought PANH and PANV parameters control only external view, but they do work in cockpit view too - and, almost immediately after suggesting, the developer added support for full 6DOF movement, which will be available in next patch. Nice!

In the meantime, here's how to get 2DOF headtracking. Do the stuff in previous post, get ltlib_test.c.sw-udp here and overwrite linux-track-read-only/src/ltlib_test.c with it, do "make" again in linux-track-read-only, change "use_remote_control" to "true" in SilentWings/data/options.dat, run ltlib_test (again, activate wiimote with 1+2 buttons first), and then run SilentWings. For subsequent runs, running ltlib_test and SilentWings is enough.

Although Condor has much more online races, Silent Wings was a easy choice. Whereas Condor runs poorly on Wine and development/fixing seems quite dead, Silent Wings not only runs well on Wine but also has native clients for linux and OSX, and is evolving. AFAIK both will have V2 "soon", but at this state, wanting to fly now, it was clear. Not to mention that being a bit more "open" suits my taste well.

And for something not so different, check out James May riding a U2. Preferably with no hurry and a nice cup of coffee / tea / wine / etc. This still leaves me speechless.